A few weeks ago, I decided it was time to get back to being an ass, only to find out that my blog was all fucked up! I have no idea what happened. At first glance, there were all these little errors, here and there within the post. Then, as I tried to fix them, it quickly got worse. Stuff started to disappear... literally! Posts, designs, etc... In the end, all I was able to salvage was the overall picture and ended up having to start from scratch (I'm not very happy with you, Blogger!). So, here I am... AGAIN!
So, my question is: Didja miss me?!
Of course, you did!!!
This past year was pretty eventful and I'm expecting a little bit of the same for the new year. Trying my hand at new things, new people and... just new stuff, in general. And the best part? I get to share it with all of YOU!!!
If you choose to read, please remember the following three things:
- It's all about TINA! (See down there on the right-side of the page? It says so! Try not to think otherwise.)
- Read at your own risk. No one is twisting your arm.
Oh and feel free to peruse some of my favorite blogs while you're here... My personal favorite is Jen Lancaster AND a certain someone has recently been added to the list: Previously Feathered!... ENJOY!!!
With that being said...